What is a Christian? In today's society it comes off as a person who is judgmental, arrogant, conceited, stuck up, rude, or even hateful and the list could go on. And those views of Christian characteristics are coming from another Christian. I would hate to think what a nonbeliever thinks of us. People are giving Christianity a bad name and it's time for a wake up call. Yes, when you have Jesus in your heart He makes you feel better than ever before, and He transforms your heart and mind against sin, But that doesn't mean to hate the people that Sin! You hate Sin, not the person that sins. Jesus loves everyone no matter what they do. And guess what? Every one of us sins daily no matter how hard we try not to. So if we are looking down at a person just because they sin differently than we do, what does that say about us? It's not very Christ like and it's not going to bring anyone to know Jesus either. We are supposed to have a gentle loving spirit and try to mirror the image of Christ the very best we can. If you're walking around with your nose up in the air thinking you are better than everyone else... You need a reality check because it's not you that has done anything. God is the one who has gave you everything that you have, he's the one who sent his son to save you... You didn't save yourself. We were all created by God and we ALL serve a purpose for Him! Just because some people haven't been called upon yet doesn't mean to look down at them. You need to lift those people up and help by being a stepping stone towards the life God has for them. Everything in everybody's life happens for a reason. It molds them to be who God wants them to be. So every time we judge someone for something, we are actually judging God's plan. Everyone needs to stop judging so much and just start encouraging and loving people towards a better direction. We need to be so loving and gentle and happy that nonbelievers look at our behavior and wonder where it is coming from. So they can question why they don't believe. We can't lead anybody to Christ if we are looking down at them and making them feel worse than what they already feel like. We all have enough hate in this world as it is. Christians need to get their hearts right and remember this life isn't about us, this life is about God and what we can do for Him. It's about waking up and craving the presence of The Lord to guide you that day, and to show Jesus Christ through your life. There are so many people in churches that have just gotten so wrapped up in their activities and projects that they start getting bitter and rude. If you are doing so much in church that you are stressed out all the time and are unhappy and rude all the time and not being very Christ like... Maybe you should let go of a few things and stop trying to do so much. Because if you don't have a happy heart while doing it, you aren't truly serving God while you are doing it anyways. So it's not only driving people away from church, it's actually pointless all together. We need to be the LIGHT in the church and in this dark world. If someone who is in charge of something in the church and they are not joyful and they are hateful, in my opinion, you need to remember why you are doing what you are doing. You don't want to push people away, you want to draw people in by your positive behavior. It's hard to not be stressed out in today's world with all that is going on, but with God's help we can have a sweet gentle spirit within us. Actions are a lot louder than words. Let your actions and behavior be your biggest testimony. Show the world how great our God is by not even speaking at all, and when you do speak, be so joyful and full of God's grace that you light up someone's life.